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infertility treatment

infertility treatment

Infertility is the inability of a spouse to conceive after a year of trying without using any contraceptive method. Infertility is classified into two types; Primary sterility is the absence of children from the ground up, and secondary sterility is the inability of the couple to have children again after having one or more children. The causes of infertility in women include ovulation failure, which means the ovaries are unable to produce eggs, and blockage of the fallopian tubes responsible for transferring the egg from the ovary to the uterus. resort to surgery.

As for men, low sperm count or poor sperm motility and blockage of the seminal ducts are among the causes that lead to infertility. Infertility in men may be treated through medication, surgery, or by some modern techniques such as sperm freezing and storage. Infertility does not mean the inability of the couple to have children, as there are many conditions that can be treated and eventually having children.

services of
infertility treatment

  • IVF (fertilization vitro in)

  • Determine the gender of the newborn

  • Artificial insemination of the uterus

  • frozen embryo transfer

  • Testicular sperm extraction

  • In vitro fertilization by preimplantation genetic diagnosis

  • Male infertility treatment

  • Autologous endometrial assisted implantation

  • In vitro fertilization by ICSI

IVF (fertilization vitro in)

IVF (fertilization vitro in) is the most popular technique for assisting reproduction. This technique involves pulling eggs out of a woman's ovaries and then fertilizing them with sperm in a laboratory.
IVF is one of the best assisted methods for reproduction so that it increases the chances of fertilizing the egg with sperm by contributing to the improvement of the function of male and female sex cells when they meet in a laboratory.

Determine the gender of the newborn

With today's advanced reproductive techniques, it is possible to determine the sex of embryos before conception through microinsemination and comprehensive chromosomal screening (CCS), sometimes referred to as preimplantation genetic diagnosis of embryos or . PGD
The combination of ICSI and comprehensive chromosomal screening (CCS) is the most accurate and available method.
with a success accuracy of almost 100 percent

Artificial insemination of the uterus

This method is the most prevalent among the assisted reproductive techniques used to treat infertility. It is the process of placing the sperm that is washed, where they are inserted through the cervix, directly into the uterine cavity to be closer to the fallopian tubes, near the time of ovulation.

This method gives a better chance of having access to more sperms
to fertilize the egg. This process is usually done in conjunction with the method of high stimulation of the ovaries under observation to ensure that there is more than one egg suitable for fertilization.

frozen embryo transfer

The process of returning embryos is one of the steps in the process of assisted pregnancy where the embryos are returned to the mother's uterus for the purpose of conception The process of returning embryos is a simple process that follows the process of external fertilization and is considered one of the simplest steps and the last stage in the process of external fertilization.
The goal of embryo re-feeding is to facilitate pregnancy after fertilization resulting from external fertilization.

Testicular sperm extraction

Men with a lack of sperm when ejaculating need to pull sperm directly from the testicle or epididymis of the testicles. The lack of sperm is called ejaculation sperm loss of sperm.
This may just be a simple sperm withdrawal in men with a blockage problem or they may need more thorough testicular research in men with a problem with sperm production.

In vitro fertilization by preimplantation genetic diagnosis

Recent developments in genetics allow genetic studies to be carried out on embryos developed by methods of artificial insemination. This method is called "genetic diagnosis in the fetus" or "genetic diagnosis before implantation".

These operations are done by removing one or more embryos that develop as a result of fertilizing egg cells with sperm cells in vitro. Using special methods in the cells taken, numerical and structural chromosomal disorders and diseases of the individual gene (such as thalassaemia, sickle cell anemia and cystic fibrosis) can be diagnosed for future children who will be developed by these embryos.

Male infertility treatment

The main sign that a man is infertile is that his wife is not pregnant, but there may be some other signs that the doctor may conclude after many tests and see the necessary analyzes that indicate a genetic problem in the man, an imbalance in hormones, or a low sperm count and deformity.
In addition, there may be some symptoms that show problems with the genitals that lead to impaired sperm productivity, a blockage in the ducts or dysfunction such as:
1. Decreased libido in men.
2. ejaculating difficulty.
3. Significantly low level of semen .
4. Erectile dysfunction and impotence.
5. Feeling of pain and the presence of swelling in the testicle.
6. Gynecomastia for men.
All those previous symptoms help the doctor in identifying the causes of infertility in men and start following the therapeutic method

Autologous endometrial assisted implantation

Self-progenerative assisted implantation in the endometrium is one of the methods of assisted reproductive technology. It involves placing fertilized eggs from the patient on a layer of cells lining her uterus to create a more normal climate for fetal development and increase the chances of conception using IVF to the highest degree.

In vitro fertilization by ICSI

ICSI, is the process of collecting eggs from the wife and sperm from the husband and fertilizing them in an embryology laboratory. To increase the success rate, one sperm is injected into each egg using thin needles in a process called intracytoplasmic sperm injection. (ICSI (