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Specific surgeries

Specific surgeries




services of
Specific surgeries

  • Laparoscopic gallbladder colon cancer resections

  • Laparoscopic resection of adrenal gland tumor

Laparoscopic gallbladder colon cancer resections

Cholecystectomy aims to remove the gallbladder cyst due to the presence of stones that lead to the appearance of many annoying symptoms, such as: severe pain, discomfort, blockage of the bile tract, and inflammation of the gallbladder cyst.
A colonoscopy with lumpectomy involves removing any abnormal growth within the colon without the need for open surgery.
A long, flexible tube connected to a camera (colonoscopy) is inserted through the anus up to the tumor area of the colon mucosa. There are two main methods of this procedure laparoscopic mucosal resection (EMR (subendoscopic mucosal resection (ESD) Depending on your condition and your doctor's opinion, one of the procedures may be chosen.

Laparoscopic resection of adrenal gland tumor

The adrenal gland is a small gland above each kidney and is also part of the endocrine system, which produces hormones that affect growth, development, sexual function and metabolism and the adrenal glands produce sex hormones, adrenaline and cortisone.
Problems with the adrenal glands are very rare. Sometimes, an adrenal tumor can develop that may or may not produce excessive hormones.
For tumors that secrete excessive hormones, the surgeon must remove the gland and tumor until hormone levels return to the normal range.
For some tumors that don't produce hormones, but are suspected of cancer, the tumor must also be surgically removed.